Update Password - ClientShelf®
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Update Password

Click Update Password in the My Account Menu to change your password.

Change Your Password

Change Password

To change your password do the following.

  • Enter your current password
  • Type your new password
  • Then enter your new password again to confirm

Click the Update button. Your password has now changed.

Passwords must contain at least:

  • 8 characters
  • An alpha character (a, b, c, etc)
  • 1 numeric character (1, 2, 3, etc)
  • A capital alpha character (A, B, C, etc)
  • 1 special character (@, &, %, etc)

Forgot Your Password?

Forgot your password? You can reset it at the ClientShelf login screen. 

An email with a password reset link will be sent to you.

Forgotten Password
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