Traffic Channels - ClientShelf®
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Traffic Channels

The Traffic Channels graph shows how which areas of your marketing efforts your clients have come from. The numbers are shown in percentages.

The ‘None Specified’ indicates the traffic channel has not been set in some client records.

To see the numbers, hover over the chart and the number will be displayed. The filter mentioned in the Reports section will allow you to filter by year.

Traffic Channels Chart

Traffic Channel Graph

Traffic Channel List View

Traffic Channels List View

You can view the data in two different ways. As a chart or as numbers.

In this example, there is a large section of None Specified indicating that we don’t know how the client found us.

Download Report

You can download the data of each report by clicking the Download button at the bottom of the report. This will download a CSV file which can be opened with a spreadsheet or simple text application.

Traffic Channel Download

A sample of the CSV file.

The CSV displays the name of the report at the top and what filter, if any, the name of the coach or consultant. Then the information is in numerical format.

Traffic Channels CSV
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