Single Option Question Element - ClientShelf®
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Single Option Question Element

The single-option question uses radio buttons. Only one answer is expected in a list of answers.

Select Text Question from the Questionnaire Element Toolbar.

Single Option Question Element

Single Option Question

Type your question in ‘Question text here…’ and add your list of options (answers) by clicking + Add.

Adding Answers

Adding Answers

The question will be displayed with your answers as a radio button list. Type your answer where it says Option 1, Option 2, etc. You can have as many as you wish. 

Only one answer can be selected by your client.

You can delete the options by clicking the red trash bin icon on the right hand side of the option.

You have the ability to copy the existing question or delete it using the icons in the bottom left.

Question Preview

This is how the question will appear to your client.

Single Option Question Preview
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