Send a Questionnaire - ClientShelf®
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Send a Questionnaire

It’s easy to Send a Client Questionnaire. 

The Send Questionnaire section is located on the left side of the Client Record. Simply select the questionnaire from the dropdown menu then click Send Questionnaire. 

Information on how to build your own Questionnaires is in the Create a Questionnaire section in the help file.

Please note that some email servers may send the email to spam or junk. Please inform your client to look in these folders if the email doesn’t appear. We have done everything to prevent this but some email servers are more aggressive than others.

Client Questionnaires

Client Questionnaires

Questionnaire Selection

Client Questionnaire Select

Questionnaires Sent

Questionnaire Sent

Once you have sent the questionnaire your client will receive an email and have one week in which to complete it.

Client Email

Questionnaire Email e1651658565136

If your client accidentally deletes the questionnaire email you can resend a new one after 24 hours.

Resend a Questionnaire

Client Questionnaire Resend

You are able to send multiple questionnaires to a client by simply selecting the questionnaire from the dropdown menu and clicking Send Questionnaire. Each questionnaire will have its own email.

The Questionnaire

Client Questionnaire

From the link in the email, your client will have the ability to fill out the questionnaire you sent to them.

If a field is missed an alert will show to let your client know they need to complete that field before sending.

Questionnaire Alert

Client Printing Responses

If you have set Client can print responses a popup will show. Your client can then print the responses to the questionnaire.

Client Print Responses

Completed Questionnaires

Once completed you will be notified by email and in the Client Record.

You can delete the questionnaire by clicking the red trash bin on the left.  If your client has made a mistake you can resend the questionnaire immediately after deletion.

Client Questionnaire Responses

Viewing and Printing Responses

You will be able to view the client responses by clicking the Eye icon. A popup window will be displayed with the responses.

To close the popup click the X at the top right or the X Close button at the bottom right.

To print the response click the Print button.

Client Questionnaire View Responses
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