Reports - ClientShelf®
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Reports in ClientShelf give you up-to-date data about your practice.  See the list of reports below.

Click on Reporting from the Clients Menu.

Reports Filter

The filter on the left allows you to filter by year. Any clients you add from previous years will show in the filter. The data shown when the filter is active is from that year only.

Reports Filter

Viewing Reports

There are two reporting views available.

Grid View, which is the bar graph view.

Reports Grid View

The other is the List View which shows data in a list format.

Reports List View

Reporting List

The reporting suite has the following information available for your practice:

  • Total Clients
  • Total Clients per year
  • Revenue per year
  • Clients by Age Group
  • Clients by Service type
  • Total Coaching hours

Each report is explained further by clicking the Next button at the bottom right.

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