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Create a Questionnaire
To create a Questionnaire click on Questionnaires from the Manage Menu.
Add Client Questionnaire
Questionnaire Builder
Click + Add New from the top right corner to create a new questionnaire. This starts the Questionnaire Builder with a blank questionnaire.
Add a title for your Questionnaire and then add a description. A description is not required but can be helpful when sending questionnaires to your clients.
From the dropdown select if you want your client to be able to print the questionnaire responses or not.
Click Save.
You now have a new questionnaire.
Next to the title, you will notice the edit icon. This allows you to edit the questionnaire.
There are four icons located at the bottom of the questionnaire card.
The functionality of the icons from left to right:
- Preview questionnaire
- View client responses
- Duplicate questionnaire
- Delete questionnaire
Next, we will go over the Questionnaire Element Toolbar.