Add Contacts - ClientShelf®
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Add Contacts

You can add your Contacts within ClientShelf. These can be any type of contacts you wish to reach regularly

Click on Contacts from the Manage menu.

Add Contact

Add A Contact

Click + Add to add a contact. You will be taken to a form to fill in your contact details.

Add Contact Details

Enter the personal details of your contact as indicated under the Basic Information. You can include their organisation and their address (personal or business)

Contact Address

An avatar can be added, either select a predefined one or upload your own. Avatars must be 500 x 500 pixels and 250 kilobytes (250kB) in size.

Additional contact methods can be added by clicking + under Contact Details.

Once you have completed filling in the information click the Save icon.

Contact Details Entered

You will then be taken back to the Contacts area where a Card or List item of your Contact will be shown.

Card View

Contact Grid View

List View

Contact List View

Clicking on the contact icons, Phone, Mail, etc will enable you to contact the person via those methods.

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