Add Client Meeting - ClientShelf®
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Add Client Meeting

There are two ways you can add a client meeting. One is from the Calendar Page, the other is from the Client Record. Here we will show you how to add a client meeting via the Client Record.

Add a Client Meeting

Just below the Client Note section is the Client Meeting section. Here you can send a meeting request to your client.

Add Client Meeting

Click +Add Meeting and a popup window will be displayed.

Add Client Meeting Popup

Add a name for the meeting.

Describe the meeting. Links can also be added to the description box.

Select a start date and time. The end date will be the same. The end time is set to a one-hour time slot automatically. The date and time can be adjusted.

Enter a location where the meeting will take place.

Click Save.

Filled in Popup

Add Client Meeting Popup Filled

Once you click Save an email will be sent to your client and they can then add the meeting to their personal calendar.

Meeting Displayed

Add Client Meeting Display

Once the meeting is saved it will be displayed in the Client Meetings area. Here you can edit or delete the meeting.

Editing the meeting will bring the popup window and you can then edit the meeting details. Once saved a new email will be sent out to your client.

If you click the delete button the meeting will be deleted and an email will be sent out informing your client.

View on Calendar

Client Meeting on Calendar View

Clicking on Calendar from the Manage menu will show your client meeting on a calendar view. You can learn more about the Calendar functionality in the Calendar help section.

Client Emails

To learn more about the emails sent to your client please refer to our Calendar page help file.

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