ClientShelf FAQS - ClientShelf®
ClientShelf FAQs

ClientShelf FAQs

Just the ClientShelf FAQS

If you’re looking for ClientShelf FAQs you’re in the right place. Here are answers to the most common questions we get. If you don’t find the answer to your question please feel free to contact us. We will reply to your enquiry within 72 hours.

What is ClientShelf?

ClientShelf is an online client management software system designed specifically for the coaching profession. We believe ClientShelf is a great product for those on a budget and needing versatile solution for their client management.

Can I use ClientShelf on my tablet or phone?

The answer is absolutely yes!

ClientShelf is online based software. It can be used anywhere.

ClientShelf can be used on any device so long as you have a web browser and an internet connection.

It doesn’t matter if you use Apple, Android or Windows. ClientShelf will work on all of them.

What type of coaching does ClientShelf support?

ClientShelf is designed for all types of personal coaching. If your coaching practice requires you to keep track of client time then ClientShelf is the software you have been looking for. ClientShelf does so much more than just track time. Be sure to check out our features.

Does ClientShelf support multiple users?

ClientShelf is currently designed specifically for individual coaches who need a client management solution. In future we plan to add coaching team functionality for small to medium businesses.

How secure is ClientShelf?

Please see our security page to answer any questions about how secure our software is. If you have any concerns please feel free to contact us.

What kind of client interactions does ClientShelf have?

ClientShelf is designed for the coach to help with their client administration and their coaching practice. Client interaction is kept to a minimum.

Clients only have two interactions within ClientShelf. The first one is to fill in an invite form where they can supply their personal information. The second is answering any questionnaires you create. A client can print the questionnaire answers if the coach has this enabled.

Lastly, whatever you wish to share with your client is entirely up to you.  ClientShelf is not designed for full client interaction in mind. It is specifically about client management.

What can a client see on ClientShelf?

A client has no access to the ClientShelf application or any of your coaching data. 

The only information a client will see on ClientShelf is whatever you, as a coach, wish to show them. ClientShelf has no facility built in to share data with a client.

Can I use ClientShelf for free?

We currently offer a free 7-day trial period to try out ClientShelf. No card details are required. After the 7-day trial you can sign up for a monthly or yearly subscription.

What is a monthly subscription?

Having a monthly subscription means you will be billed monthly for the use of ClientShelf. You can cancel at any time. 
You will be billed for the full month you decided to cancel.
You can upgrade to a yearly subscription at any time.

What is a yearly subscritption

Our yearly subscription gives you the use of ClientShelf for a full year. You will be billed yearly.

If you decide to cancel within the year you will still be billed for the full year.

The yearly subscription is a discounted rate compared to the monthly subscription. A yearly subscription typically saves you 22% a year, which is more than 2 months for free.